Subject: WAV: MST3K: Mutant Hell Beast Author: A Duritz Uploaded By: A Duritz Date: 10/25/1995 File: CHIRPY.WAV (91618 bytes) Estimated Download Time (33298 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 4553 Needs: Windows 3.1 or higher or WAV File Player Keywords: Mystery Science Theatre 3000, Comedy Central, TV, Sound, Voice, WIN, PD Type: Public Domain CHIRPY.WAV is a 4.15 second sound bite from Comedy Central's "Mystery Science Theatre 3000." Crow says, "I'm Chirpy, the mutant hell beast, and I don't like this film. Get away." Notes: This clip was sampled at 22,050 Hz, which makes the WAV file size larger than those sampled at lower rates, but results in a cleaner sound, especially on higher-end boards. Despite the download time indicated, this file may transfer in much less time, as much as half the time indicated (depending on your system).